#Clear chats in skype for mac trial
Through pain of trial I have now given up and made a PowerShell script to do this for me, shared below. Only after clearing these locations is it considered a clean start for the Teams app. Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files.%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Web Data.%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cookies.%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache.%AppData%\Microsoft\teams\application cache\cache.So when support as you to clear the cache, there are something like 13 different places you need to go in order to clean the machine. It’s split in multiple directories and even Internet Explorer and Chrome cache locations.

The trouble is, the cache for Teams isn’t in one place or even a single directory. So clearing the cache is the first step to troubleshooting. The problem though really centers around the client cache. Hopefully we will see some improvements soon. To me, this is unacceptable and Microsoft have acknowledged that at least.

Upon talking with support the standard response is that it can take anything from 30 minutes to 3 days for policies to become effective. Unlike Skype for Business Online where in-band policy changes took longest 30 minutes, with Teams we can be waiting days, and I mean that literally. One thing for sure is that if you are deploying Teams you’ll quickly find that your admin controlled policy settings take a random amount of time to come into effect on the target machines. Microsoft Teams cache behaviour is a lot to be desired if I am honest.